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THIRD PARTY SUPPLIER - Must supply street address for delivery - Please allow 14-21 working days for delivery - DUE in July 2023
Weight: 0.02 kg
Dimensions: 3 cm × 3 cm × 1 cm
Product Code - STO2035A - Rock Straps (Note the product supplied to Laerdal will have no Spencer branding as in photo) Product can be used on Spinal Board and this replaces the Best Strap - Spider Style Strap The Rock Straps system allows the complete immobilisation of adult or paediatric patients onto Spencer spine boards but also onto other types of spine boards. Thanks to the diagonal parts, which move on the central belt, it adapts itself with precision to different body builds. Fixation is with self-adherent strips. To simplify use, the straps are colour-coded. Completely X-ray compatible. They are made of strong but soft 50 mm [1.96 in] nylon tape and are sewn together with special lock stitching techniques. The centre tape on the paediatric strap system can be used as a tape measure to measure the height of paediatric patients.